9/11 – Finding the Truth by Andrew Johnson What really happened on 9/11? What can the evidence tell us? Who is covering up the evidence, and why are they covering it up? This book attempts to give some answers to these questions and has been written by someone who has become deeply involved in research […]

The following post is by 9/11 truth activist Dr. Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez M.D: If Richard Gage was searching for the truth, then he would not be trying to deceive people by claiming to present the best “scientific forensic evidence”, only to completely ignore the large sum of scientific forensic evidence that thermite does not explain. […]

1. 16 people survived unscathed on the 3rd floor of the North Tower. No one would survive a nuclear blast. 2. There were no really bright flashes as the towers turned to dust. 3. There were no loud explosions as the towers turned to dust. 4. There was little or no heat in the dust […]

Sixteen people survived unscathed on the 3rd floor of the North Tower. The 16 Stairwell B survivors do not give any testimony of explosions, heat or bright flashes. If mini-nukes were indeed exploding it would have been obvious and central to their testimony. It is extremely unlikely they would have survived let alone come away […]

 1. There were seven underground floors under each tower. All the basement floors survived the destruction undamaged as demonstrated by these images: At no point did they form part of a “nuclear furnace”. 2. 16 people survived unscathed on the 3rd floor of the North Tower. No one would survive a nuclear blast. 3. Nukes […]

1. There has been no evidence of molten steel found at the WTC complex. The EVIDENCE actually contradicts the possibility of molten steel (of any significant quantity) during and after the destruction of the WTC, from 9/11 onward. 2. Not ONE photo or video exists of pools of molten steel. 3. The flow of glowing […]

1. After extensive study of the WTC dust and red-gray particles found within it, accredited forensic scientist Dr. James Millette has conclusively demonstrated that the particles are NOT thermite in any shape, form, or function. “The red/gray chips found in the WTC dust at four sites in New York City are consistent with a carbon […]