Sixteen people survived unscathed on the 3rd floor of the North Tower. The 16 Stairwell B survivors do not give any testimony of explosions, heat or bright flashes. If mini-nukes were indeed exploding it would have been obvious and central to their testimony.

It is extremely unlikely they would have survived let alone come away unscathed in such close proximity to exploding mini-nukes. In the very unlikely event that they survived at the very least these survivors would have suffered radiation poisoning. Yet the survivor’s walked out and looked up to blue sky unharmed with no testimony of exploding mini-nukes, heat or radiation sickness.

9/11 – Stairway B – The Survivors

We also have Pasquale Buzzelli who survived the collapse of the North Tower by “surfing” down 15 floors. Are we expected to believe he survived falling 15 floors through the middle of hundreds of simultaneously exploding mini-nukes and of which he gave no testimony of?

If the mini-nukes purpose was to take out the all the floor columns at once, all the floors columns would have slammed to the ground and this would be reflected in the seismic data. However 95% of the towers turned to dust before they hit the ground. It is implausible mini-nukes would turn the steel and concrete of the towers to dust and to the absolute degree as happened on 9/11. This kinetic process would not create microscopic dust particles. Explosives are kinetic energy weapons. Expanding gases of any sort would fall under explosive. There is science and reasoning behind why an “explosion” is able to destroy things/cause damage. The damage caused is controlled by the energy exerted. The velocity of the energy released and the possible heat created. Now we are talking about buildings that turned into nano sized particles without high ejection speeds. The speeds required to fragment steel or concrete were not even present.

It is very doubtful that the bright flashes of all the mini-nukes going of simultaneously would not have been visible. Especially the initial explosions on the top floor before the dust cloud was created.

The boom, boom, boom of the simulating exploding nukes would have been obvious in the NIST collapse footage but the reality is it was a relatively quiet collapse with only a thrushing noise being heard.

Any cases of cancer were almost certainly the result of breathing in nano-sized iron-oxide particles and other microscopic particles from the fine dust of which 95% of both towers were turned into.

Mini-nukes do not explain the flipped and strangely toasted cars and exploding mini-nukes would not create circular holes in glass.

Mini-nukes do not explain the extreme rapid rusting of the WTC steel.

Mini-nukes do not explain the deformed shrivelled twisted and bent steel.

Mini-nukes do not explain the Bankers Trust. Its repair, fuming and subsequent dismantling.


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